“Everything has that Brazilian influence,” Gabriel says. Of course, for diners who don’t want to stray too far off the beaten path, Samba offers their own unique takes on restaurant staples, including pizza and pasta. We’re not Mexican food.” With Brazil’s culinary tradition being influenced by all of those who ventured to the country way back when (including but not limited to Portugal, Japan and countries in Africa), Joe encourages folks who have tried other foreign cuisines to take a stab at the food of his people. “It’s not so much spicy as it is flavorful,” Joe explains. Joe says that he’s found a lot of people (especially humble Minnesotans) carry the misconception that Brazilian food is inherently spicy. Not quite fried plantain but not really fried potato, the starchy vegetable makes for a tasty plate that’s authentic to Brazil. Fried yuca is a good bet for a quick bite or a side dish. Churrasco, as it’s called, can be enjoyed as top sirloin, pork loin, chicken or sausage. It’s what you see when visiting a place like Fogo de Chao or Rodizio Grill-a grilled protein that’s carved directly onto your plate from its skewer. If you’re looking for more meat, Samba offers a variety of grill options, including churrasco, which is possibly the more recognizable of Brazilian cuisine. Listed as a house specialty on the restaurant’s menu, feijoada might have to make it onto your to-try list before the cold and blustery months are behind us. “It’s hard to compare it to anything else we normally have ,” Gabriel says.

It also happens to be a personal favorite of both Gabriel and Joe. So much so, that it’s considered the country’s national dish. Stewed together with rice, collard greens, and a vinaigrette, the dish is one that’s enjoyed across Brazil.
“We taught our chefs how to cook things our way.” One of the house specialties is feijoada, a black bean stew that’s made with pork meat and sausages-and yes, bacon. “They were all things we ate growing up,” Gabriel says of the traditional dishes offered at Samba. All recipes are tried and true, tested by the most brutally honest people anyone could find: family. “If you haven’t had Brazilian food before, you’re going to be surprised by how good it is.” With a piece of prime real estate on Main Street in downtown Hopkins, Gabriel says that their best way to get the word out about their delicious dishes is still word of mouth. “ were really well-accepted,” Joe says of Samba’s opening almost ten years ago. Joe is a fun-loving and enthusiastic personality who will tell you anything you need to know about his home of Brazil and its ever-evolving culinary landscape. “The people are very warm,” says Joe Pantano, restaurant co-owner (he’s also Gabriel and Victor’s dad). Nine years ago last December, the Pantanos opened the doors to Samba, inviting the Hopkins community and beyond to step inside.

After a bit of trial and error, Samba became the vibrant place it is today.

“We learned about the restaurant business on the fly,” Pantano explains. His passion and pride for the Hopkins gem is heard in his voice as he delves deeper into Samba’s origin story. Pantano is a tall man with a big smile, who presides over his family’s restaurant. “There weren’t any Brazilian restaurants at the time,” says Gabriel Pantano, reminiscing about the spark of inspiration that launched the culinary hotspot in the first place. Despite not knowing much about the business end of owning a restaurant, the Pantanos knew they were masters at the most important part of developing a long-lasting, high-quality restaurant in the community: serving really good, authentic food.

In the Pantanos’ case, the place they wanted to preserve was Sao Paolo, Brazil. The Pantanos came to the United States from Brazil in 1995, finding themselves like many immigrants do: trying to make the most of their time in the States, while still holding onto a piece of where they were from. With offerings that include traditional Brazilian cuisine and more familiar fare with a South American twist, there’s bound to be something for everyone at the restaurant-cafe-grocery store, from the adventurous eater to those simply seeking something out of the ordinary.
The Pantano family-Joe, Maria, Gabriel and Victor, all hailing from Brazil, manage the restaurant that always ensures its guests are leaving with warm hearts and full bellies. It’s been said that business and family shouldn’t mix-but take one step inside Samba Taste of Brazil in downtown Hopkins, and you’ll run into an exception to the rule.