Cut the peacock-feather eye shapes from colored craft paper as shown ( download a template here).Glue real blue and turquoise feathers to ends of paper feathers.Round the tops of the green strips, and cut fringes at an angle down the sides of each "feather.".Repeat with the remaining eight dowels and 16 strips. Trim off the dowel ends with pliers, if using. Press down on the paper around the dowel. Hot-glue a dowel between two green strips, right down the center.Cut six sheets of green paper into 18 strips (you should get three strips per sheet).Turquoise, blue, and yellow craft paper.Tape two to three light strands and battery packs to underside of umbrella, taping middle of light strands up to double them.įabulous feathers worth flaunting.

pieces of paracord, knot one end of each attach with an adhesive dot to underside of umbrella, spacing them out among the ribbons.

Trim excess wire, and attach knot to underside of umbrella with an adhesive dot. Knot one end of a ribbon and pull one of the wires in ribbon to create a ruffled look. pieces of teal and purple wired ribbon (about 12). pieces of blue mesh ribbon and use Glue Dots to attach one end around the neck and the other end under the bottom edge of the umbrella, wrapping around the cellophane. pieces of cellophane, crumple gently, and tape over lights. Tape battery packs inside umbrella hood tape down light strands in three places.

Glue top opening of the tail closed and pin to the back of the hoodie.Cut two thin white strips of white fur and glue them to the black fur.Then loosely roll fur, and glue it into a tube-like shape. To make the tail, cut a rectangle of black fur that's about as wide as the back of the hoodie and reaches from halfway down the back to mid-calf.Cut a circle of white fur attach to front of hoodie with Velcro.Hot-glue the fur, starting under the center edge of the hood and letting it trail down the back of the hoodie, tacking down all the edges.Cut out a narrow triangle from that point downward to the bottom edge, forming two strips. With the fur draped over the hoodie, make a mark in the center of the fur, about where the shoulders begin.The length should reach from the top edge of the hood to the bottom of the hoodie. Cut a strip of white fur that's about as wide as the top of child's head.